Composition of the thesis jury

 The SU president delegates to the doctoral school director the appointment of referees, the composition of the jury and authorization for the defense.


Composition of the thesis jury

Appointment of referees :

The SU President appoints two referees, qualified to supervise research or belonging to one of the categories mentioned in article 16 of the decree of May 25, 2016, on the proposal of the doctoral school director, after consultation with the thesis director.

 - Referees must be from outside the doctoral school and the doctoral student's enrolment institution (SU and PSL).
- They have no involvement in the doctoral student's work.
- They may belong to foreign higher education or research establishments or other foreign organizations.

The referees make their opinions known in written reports, on the basis of which the President authorizes the defense. These reports are communicated to the jury and to the candidate before the defense.

In the event of disagreement between the two referees, the Chairman appoints a third referee.

Composition of the jury:

The thesis jury is appointed by the president after consultation with the director of the doctoral school and the thesis director.

The number of jury members is between 4 and 8.

At least half the members of the jury must be French or foreign personalities from outside the doctoral school and the candidate's enrolment institution, chosen for their scientific competence, subject to the provisions relating to international co-supervision of theses.

At least half the jury must be made up of professors or equivalent staff who are not under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education.

Its composition must ensure a balanced representation of men and women.

The thesis director is a member of the jury, but does not take part in the decision.

The jury must include a teacher-researcher or researcher from Sorbonne University - i.e., attached to a research structure associated with SU - who holds a habilitation to direct research or equivalent, in addition to the thesis director.