Procédure de soutenance

Defense procedure

Defense procedure

The procedure for requesting a defense must be initiated 3 months before the scheduled date of the defense and finalized no later than 2 months before this date.

You will need to send your jury's composition to the secretariat ( for validation by the doctoral school management before starting your procedure in Adum.

If you are re-registering for the 4th year, it is imperative that you register first, before starting the defense procedure.

The documents requested by the doctoral school at the time of the defense application are :

- updated CV with a valid personal e-mail address and list of publications

- list of seminars and conferences attended throughout the thesis

- the thesis monitoring committee's recommendations for the defense

- a 20-30 page summary in French if the thesis is written in English.

For theses based on articles, you must contact the doctoral school management to define the structure of the manuscript.

Language of manuscript

The language of a French thesis must be French.
However, when the situation justifies it (cotutelle theses, international collaborations,
non-French-speaking doctoral students, etc.), the director of the doctoral school may authorize writing in English. The thesis must then include a substantial summary in French (~ 10-20 pages), placed at the beginning of the manuscript.

Publications :

Submission of publications prior to thesis defense is strongly encouraged.
The thesis manuscript cannot be written entirely "on paper". The manuscript must be contextualized, specifying the degree of involvement of the doctoral student in the work and discussing any additional tests/results.

In ADUM validation by the administrator and then by the director of the doctoral school will take place as soon as the application is submitted:

   - the manuscript
   - the pdf requested by the doctoral school
   - the pdf requested by the establishment

All the necessary information is available on the doctoral college website at the following address: